A Little Bit of Change

Sometimes all it takes in life is a little bit of change. Life is full of excitements and disappointments and if you feel that life isn’t quite the way you want it to be then I encourage you to keep reading.

So you may be looking at life right now and maybe your thinking “I hate my job, I’m tired of going to work everyday doing something I hate, Im always the one that had the bad shifts and always putting in over time. Im tired of coming home drained from work and not having time to myself to accomplish my dreams.” If this is what you tell yourself right now let me tell you, you're not alone. This is me. I have been struggling with myself lately and its been tough one of the reasons I started this blog is to get the weight of all my feelings off my chest and to let others know ( You ) that you're not alone when it comes to feeling like this. So I want to take a moment and tell you how I’m getting through these emotions and hopefully you can use these strategies too.

So the first thing that I try to remember to do when I feel this way is I try to remember to breathe. It sounds kind of funny because everyone knows how to breathe and no I don’t mean “take three deep breaths” that does help but there is a time and place for that and this isn’t always the case. What I mean by remembering to breath is when I start to feel down emotionally I tend to shorten my breath I tend to sigh and then shorten my breath even more this is where most of that feeling of weight on your chest comes from, not filling your lungs up. I usually try to use the technique of telling my self breath in and now out. When I do this I tend to say “in” inside my head slowly really dragging out the N and then I try to match the length of my IN with my OUT. Doing this helps me get back to a more steady breathing rate where I’m pulling in larger breaths.

The next thing that I try to do is I try to focus on the minor things in life that make my day better. A really good example is at work when I am having a bad day I a co worker who is always trying to make my day a little bit better. She isn’t doing it because she knows I’m having a bad day she is doing it because of the type of person she is. Yesterday was another one of those bad days and I had to stop and look at the little things, my co worker decided to take out all the trash for me before I got back from lunch. Now this isn’t her job and its not the biggest thing in the world but it was that one little act of kindness that made a difference. I didn’t think much of it at the time when she told me and I thanked her but later on that day I though about it again and I realized that I should have cared more about it. I should have really appreciated her act of kindness more than I did.

So I encourage you to look into your own life and start looking for that little thing that makes your day better. Take note of it because you never know that one little thing might blossom into a better future.

I have one more thing to add todays blog I would like for you guys to do one act of kindness to two people today. I want you do practice this on two different people today because one it will make you feel better and two you never know how its going to change that other persons life. 

Stay Awesome!


Deciding Which Dream is for You


Finding Inspiration (Long and Lonesome Road)