Deciding Which Dream is for You

All dreams have to start from an idea. Sometimes it’s not the best idea at the time or sometimes it’s the best idea you have ever had and if you don’t act on it, it could change the course of your life forever.

Today I want to talk to you about how you can find your dream and if it is going to be the right one. When establishing your dream, if you don’t have one already, you need to first think about what gives you the most joy in life. Maybe you want to run your own business, start a band, become a professional dancer, an actor, or even become YouTube famous. What ever dream you set for yourself, it has to start with an idea that brings you the most joy.

This may not be an easy task, you might be the type of person who wants to do it all and that’s ok, I’m going to help you test your idea and see if it’s the right one for you. I am a visual learner so for me its always best to write things down. When I was first starting to form my dream of becoming Youtube famous and starting my own business, I wrote down what I wanted to do and then would try to give the most details of exactly what I wanted it to be. For example when I said “I want to be YouTube famous” I never actually added to it. I just wanted to be famous but I never told myself how and why what I wanted to be famous for. So I started to form an idea in my head, what if I could be famous for bringing joy and entertainment to everyone. What if everytime someone heard the name Mcshwack they suddenly were filled with joy and on top of that, they had that joy shared with others. I quickly began to realized that I didn’t just want to be famous I wanted to spread joy to a community of people who could share it. 

So take your idea and refine what you want it to truly be, If you want to be a dancer, what do you want your dancing to be known for? Do you want to be the dancer that makes people feel emotions every time you move, or do you want to be the dancer that spreads joy and excitement to all your viewers? If you want to be an actor, what kind of actor do you want to be, do you want to be the lead actor in big time movies, or do you want to be a goofy media actor that has their reputation sweep across the internet? Maybe your dream is something a little more common, maybe you just want to be a manager at your current job because you want to make changes in the way things are ran. Take the idea you have and refine it into something more.

Now when it comes to figuring out if it’s the right dream for you, there are many ways to go about doing this but I first recommend you take the time and ask yourself “How excited do I get talking about this dream?” When you formed the idea maybe it was being played off as a joke but how did you truly feel about it? All dreams have the same root to them, Passion! If you don’t feel passionate about it then maybe it’s not the right dream or maybe you just need to refine it some more. Run it through the feelings test and then move on to the first steps of accomplishing your dream. If you feel that its too much work or you loose interest, then maybe its not right for you, but that’s ok, dreams are not formed in a day. My dream of becoming a successful YouTuber and running my own business has been 7 years in the making and it’s just now starting to become a reality. It takes time to iron out the details and make something your passion about it will blossom into something beautiful.Time is your friend and all dreams can come true. Find your dream and make it a reality, I believe in you. 

-Stay Awesome-


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